Mission to Haraze and Daha

18 Sep 2009

Mission to Haraze and Daha

A mission to assess the humanitarian situation of refugees from the Central African Republic was undertaken in the Salamat Region, southern Chad, on 31 August 2009. The mission, which was a joint effort between Chadian authorities, Humanitarians, and MINURCAT, was led by the Special Representative of the President of the Republic and Head of CONAFIT, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General.

The Salamat Region hosts a total refugee population of 15,408, originating from the Central African Republic, just across the Bahr Aouk River.

The first batch of refugees, about 200, arrived in this region at the end of December 2008, and settled in the Chadian village of Daha, just a stone's throw from the border. They claimed to be fleeing from atrocities by an unknown rebel group in northeast Central African Republic. Two weeks later, Daha experienced a massive influx of over 4,000 refugees, the majority of whom were women, children and elderly, running from clashes between government forces, the FACA, and a rebel group. As of mid-January, up to 200 refugees per day continued to trek across the river into Chad. The influx still continues today, though at a much slower pace.

The refugees have been settled in two sites, Daha 1 and 2, both receiving emergency assistance from UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO, UNFPA, FAO and several international NGOs. Currently, Daha 1 accounts for 5,308 refugees against 4,600 for Daha 2. 78% of the refugee population in both sites is made of women and children.

According to Humanitarians, the general security situation remains calm with no criminal activities reported since the arrival of the refugees in the region.